Web Site Report For nickgrivas.com


  File Size Report  

The File Size Report categorizes the size of the file being requested. This can be useful in optimizing site performance. (Remember that on a 28.8Kps modem, it will take on average of 40 seconds to download 100Kb of data.)

File Size Report: Number of requests by File Size.

File SizeNumber of requestsPercentage of the bytes
2.1b-  10b00.00%
3.11b- 100b00.00%
4.101b-  1kb470.01%
5.1kb- 10kb7250.80%
7.100kb-  1Mb565.07%
8.1Mb- 10Mb2969.14%

This report was generated on July 21, 2009 23:22.
Report time frame October 27, 2008 00:13 to July 21, 2009 20:56.

Web statistics report produced by:
Analog logfile analyser. Analog 5.1Report Magic statistics formatting by Wadsack-Allen. Report Magic 2.21